198 7年欧洲共同体组织 (CEC)制定《诊断放射摄片影像的质量标准》[1 ,2 ] 文件后 ,我国近年亦起草了《放射诊断影像质量标准》[3] ,这对推动放射诊断QA、QC的发展 ,提高医学影像质量起着很重要的作用。由于我国在硬软件方面与国际的差异 ,建立适合国情的标准还有待于在
1987. After the European Community Organization (CEC) formulated the “Quality Standard for Diagnostic Radiographic Imaging” [1, 2] in 2007, China also drafted the Radiographic Diagnostic Imaging Quality Standard [3] in recent years, , The development of QC, improve the medical image quality plays an important role. Due to our country’s differences in hardware and software from those in the international arena, the establishment of a national standard