Processing and mechanical properties of porous 316L stainless steel for biomedical applications

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luocheng890924
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Highly porous 316L stainless steel parts were produced by using a powder metallurgy process, which includes the selective laser sintering(SLS) and traditional sintering. Porous 316L stainless steel suitable for medical applications was successfully fabricated in the porosity range of 40%-50% (volume fraction) by controlling the SLS parameters and sintering behaviour. The porosity of the sintered compacts was investigated as a function of the SLS parameters and the furnace cycle. Compressive stress and elastic modulus of the 316L stainless steel material were determined. The compressive strength was found to be ranging from 21 to 32 MPa and corresponding elastic modulus ranging from 26 to 43 GPa. The present parts are promising for biomedical applications since the optimal porosity of implant materials for ingrowths of new-bone tissues is in the range of 20%-59% (volume fraction) and mechanical properties are matching with human bone. Highly porous 316L stainless steel parts were produced by using a powder metallurgy process, which includes a selective laser sintering (SLS) and traditional sintering. Porous 316L stainless steel suitable for medical applications was successfully fabricated in the porosity range of 40% -50% ( volume fraction) by controlling the SLS parameters and sintering behavior. The porosity of the sintered compacts was investigated as a function of the SLS parameters and the furnace cycle. Compressive stress and elastic modulus of the 316L stainless steel material were determined. The compressive strength was found to be ranging from 21 to 32 MPa and corresponding elastic modulus ranging from 26 to 43 GPa. The present parts are promising for biomedical applications since the optimal porosity of implant materials for ingrowths of new-bone tissues is in the range of 20% - 59% (volume fraction) and mechanical properties are matching with human bone.
摘 要:当前,给排水系统在应用中各项质量问题的大量萌生,对建筑用户造成了诸多不良的影响,严重地降低了建筑的整体使用效果。因此,针对给水排水设计中的通病对其设计加以有效的完善,便成为了当前建筑工程给水排水项目负责人的工作重点。本文主要探讨了建筑工程中给水排水的设计存在的问题,总结一些设计工作的经验。  关键词:给水排水;消防系统;存在问题;解决办法  一、建筑给水排水系统存在的问题和解决办法  1、
摘要:本文结合实例对医院的改擴建从规划的角度进行初步探讨,并简述主要单体建筑单元的宜人的尺度和亲和力。  关键词:中国现代医院以人为本 功能分区 流线组织  项目概况  近年来,随着医疗技术和人民医疗保健水平的日益提高,旧有的医疗建筑已远远不能满足需求,面临着改建、扩建,甚至新建。沈阳的七人民医院(简称“七院”) 是一所集医教于一体的市属综合医院。“七院”处于人口密集的沈阳市区内,多年来在辽沈百姓
【摘要】本文首先分析了新的市场经济条件下农业技术推广存在的问题和现状,其次通过介绍国外农业技术推广体系的主要模式及经验,探讨不同模式对我国农业技术推广的启示和借鉴,最后对新时期我国农业技术推广体系的创新进行了探讨和思考。  【关键词】农业技术推广;模式;体系创新  中图分类号:S-3 文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-8809(2010)08-0009-01    1 引言  随着社会主义市场经济