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【仿真试题】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。瑞典诗人托马斯·特朗斯特罗姆说:“人总要相信些什么,才不会度日时,跌入未知的黑洞里。”信仰,是一个民族和国家的灵魂,更是支撑一个人精神世界的力量之源。有人说,中国人目前没有信仰,所以速成鸡、毒胶囊、毒生姜才会泛滥;也有说,中国人目前有明确的信仰,民主、公正、法制、敬业等社会主义核心价值观被无数人反复践行;也有人说,我们正走在寻找信仰的路上 [Simulation Questions] Read the following materials and write an article of no less than 800 words as required. The Swedish poet Thomas Trampstrom said: “What people must believe in will not fall into an unknown black hole during the day.” Faith is the soul of a nation and nation, and it is also a support. The source of the power of one’s spiritual world. Some people say that the Chinese people do not have faith at all, so the rapid chicken, poisonous capsules, and poisonous ginger will spread. It is also said that the Chinese people have a clear belief that the core values ​​of socialism such as democracy, justice, legality, and professionalism have been repeatedly practiced by countless people. Some people say that we are on the way to finding faith
【正】 我国的商品价格和税收有密切关系。正确认识两者的关系,对正确地制订价格政策和税收政策,有效地调节经济活动,具有重要意义。一商品价格中包括税金是否合理? 有的同志
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Two cryogenic systems of high purity germanium detector, liquid nitrogen and mechanical cooler, are expounded, to- gether with explanations of merits and demeri
英语语言的学习, 离不开 “听、 说、 读、 写” 四项基本训练.整个中学阶段,“写” 是贯穿整个教学的全过程.“写” 作为英语语言学习的落脚点, 它最能反映学生综合运用语言
DNA has the genetic information storage and transmission capacity according to the sequential order of the monomer and creates a central role in the chemical ev
【正】 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着以家庭联产承包责任制为基础、以统分结合为特征的双层经营方式的普遍实行,农村商品性生产以前所未有的规模和速度不断向前发展。为了适
语文是我们中华民族的母语学科, 写作是语文构成的重要内容, 在培养学生核心素养方面有着天然的优势.“我手写我心” 的写作要求, 是核心素养形成的良好载体.在写作教学中融