Hallervorden-Spatz disease (HSD) is a rare central nervous system degenerative disease caused by the deposition of Fe3 + in the globus pallidus, substantia nigra and red nucleus due to iron metabolism disorder. It has strong clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Pathological manifestations of iron pigment aggregation, axonal swelling, neuronal loss. Clinical manifestations of extrapyramidal involvement mainly to posture and gait abnormalities, increased muscle tone and involuntary movements as the initial symptoms, common dance, hand or foot Xu move or tremor; Late onset of dysarthria, dysphagia, pyramidal tract signs And mental retardation. According to the different clinical manifestations can be divided into early-onset and late-onset two types. Head MRIT2 weighted image shows globus pallidus and substantia nigra showed low signal, and in the bilateral globus pallidus on the background of low signal symmetry high signal, that is, “tiger eye levy.” There is no clear biochemical indicators can help diagnose the disease, brain MRIT2 weighted image “tiger eye syndrome ” is of great significance for the diagnosis of HSD.