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工业设计仅仅是一门学科吗?在今天即将进入21世纪之际,它已不是资本主义的机器文明的工具,更不能只看到国际市场上那金光闪闪的光环.她应当是我们超越传统工业社会,向信息时代过渡的方法论;也是我们这个大国有望追赶发达国家的科学理论.这种理论决不是那种空洞的说教和玄学,因为她主张运用系统的思想和方法对原理、概念、思维模式,直到材料、工艺、结构、形态、色彩以至经营机制、管理模式都放在一个最关键的核心——特定人群的在特定环境、条件下 Is industrial design a mere discipline? It is no longer a tool of capitalist machine civilization, nor is it just the glittering aura of the international market as it is about to enter the twenty-first century, and she should be the one we transcend traditional industries Society and the transition to the information age and the scientific theory that our great power is expected to catch up with the developed countries is by no means the kind of empty preaching and metaphysics as she advocates the systematic application of ideas and methods to the principles, concepts, modes of thinking , Until the material, process, structure, form, color and even the operating mechanism, management mode is placed on one of the most crucial core - the specific population in a particular environment, conditions
目的:分析我国外科医疗损害责任纠纷案件的分布特征与赔偿。方法:选取2013年1月1日至2015年3月31日中国裁判文书网中以"医疗损害"为案由的1 825例外科医疗损害责任纠纷案件进