朱德写于 1 90 6年至 1 92 6年的诗词 ,是研究朱德早期思想历程的珍贵文献。这些诗词 ,从不同侧面不同程度地反映他在成为革命民主主义者前就忧国忧民 ,并立下投笔从戎以求拯救国家的宏伟志愿 ;表明他作为一名革命民主主义者 ,在取得护国战争胜利后 ,一度对国家前途充满信心和敢于砥柱中流 ;凸现他在卷入军阀混战后的一个时期 ,既认为自己是“为了革命在打仗” ,又厌恶战争和同情人民的矛盾与痛苦的心理 ;反映他从苏联回国以中共党员身份参加北伐战争后 ,对中国革命的前途充满必胜信心 ,并早已把自己的生死置之度外 ,要以“回天之力”拯救水深火热中的人民的坚定信念。
Zhu De’s poems, written from 1990 to 1996, are precious documents for studying Chu Teh’s early thought course. These poems, from different aspects to varying degrees, reflect his ambitious pays-off for democracy and democracy before becoming a revolutionary democrat, and set forth his grandiose desire to fight for the sake of saving the country. He shows that as a revolutionary democrat, After the victory, he was full of confidence and courage in the future of the country. At a time when he was involved in the warlords, he regarded himself as both a “war for the revolution” and a dislike for the conflict and sympathy for the people Reflecting his return from the Soviet Union as a member of the Communist Party of China to participate in the Northern Expedition, he is full of confidence in the future of the Chinese revolution and has already set aside his own life and death. He must use his “power from the sky” to save the staunch convictions of the people in deep waters.