位于赣西萍乡市内萍水河畔的国营江西萍乡市花果厂建厂已有38年,这家近40年的老厂如今依然产销两旺。据该厂厂长钟绍梅女士介绍:萍乡花果厂在93年产值实现100多万元,产品除销往国内十几个省市外,还远销海外。 雕刻花果乃萍乡传统的纯天然功能食品,有着悠久的历史。千百年来,其工艺精湛,选料考究,被世人称为“中华一绝”。
Pingguo City, Pingxiang City, Pingxiang City, Pingxiang City, Western Fujian has a 38-year history of building a flower and fruit factory. This nearly 40-year-old plant is still booming in both production and sales. According to Ms. Zhong Shaomei, the director of the plant, Pingxiang Flower and Fruit Factory realized more than RMB 1 million in output value in 1993. In addition to the products sold to over a dozen provinces and cities in China, the products are also sold overseas. Carved flowers and fruit are the traditional natural functional foods of Pingxiang and have a long history. For thousands of years, it has exquisite workmanship and excellent choice of materials. It is known to the world as “an absolute must for China.”