在一些人看来,韩春昌有点不安份守己。因为他扔掉了收入比较稳定的铁饭碗,自愿回村端起“泥饭碗”,创办了铸造企业。 在一些人看来,韩春昌有点冒傻气。因为,他舍弃了如日中天的企业,回村当了“九品芝麻官”。 在经济大潮里,韩春昌有运筹帷幄的才能和远见卓识。因此,办企业,他能开拓创新,狭路挺进;担任村党支部书记,他能受命于危难,沤心沥血,无私奉献。 趁年轻闯商海 实现自我价值 1974年1月韩春昌高中毕业后,到灵寿县大理石厂当了一名合同制工人。那
In some people’s opinion, Han Chunchang a little restless. Because he threw away the relatively stable income of iron rice bowl, voluntarily back to the village end “mud bowl”, founded the foundry business. In some people, Han Chunchang a bit foolish. Because, he abandoned the heyday of businesses, back to the village when the “nine sesame officer.” In the economic tide, Han Chunchang has the ability and farsightedness of strategy. Therefore, when he runs a business, he can pioneer and innovate and narrowly advance. As secretary of the village party branch, he can be entrusted with crisis, self-sacrifice and selfless dedication. While young Chuanghanghai realize self-worth 1974 January Han Chunchang graduated from high school to Lingshou marble factory was a contract worker. that