大家都听说过或见过蒙古包,但未必听说或见过哈萨克毡房。其实,哈萨克毡房与蒙古包在外形和结构方面大同小异,都是一种精巧结实、易于拆装、可随时移动的“房子”。几千年来,哈萨克毡房一直伴随着哈萨克人。 哈萨克毡房与其他各民族的居所一样,是由生存条件、地理环境、生产模式、历史变革等多种因素所决定的。 哈萨克是一个古老的游牧民族,“哈萨克”的原意是“避难者”或“脱离者”,还有说意为“白天鹅”。300多年以前,哈萨克族受到蒙古准噶尔部族的驱赶而背井离乡,在沙俄侵略中国西北边疆的进程中,许多哈萨克部落又陆续迁入中俄边界中方一
Everyone has heard or seen the yurt, but not necessarily heard or seen Kazakh yurt. In fact, Kazakh yurt and yurts in appearance and structure are similar, are a sophisticated, easy to disassemble, can move at any time “house.” Kazakh kenya has been with Kazakhs for thousands of years. Like other ethnic groups, Kazakh yurt is determined by various factors such as living conditions, geographical environment, mode of production and historical changes. Kazak is an ancient nomadic people. The original meaning of “Kazakh” is “refugee” or “detached person.” There is also the meaning of “white swan.” More than 300 years ago, the Kazakhs were expelled by the Mongol Junggar tribes and left their homes. In the process of Russia’s aggression against the northwestern frontier of China, many Kazakh tribes successively moved into the Sino-Russian border