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初中、小学英语教学衔接问题一直困扰着我们的英语教师,尤其是初中英语教师。解决好这一问题,对激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,促进英语教育新常态下学生学习的可持续发展,进一步提高教学效率至关重要。如何缩短初中、小学英语教学磨合期,尽快实现两者“无缝对接”应该是中小学英语教师共同研究的课题。新课程背景下的义务教育英语教材3A到9B的编排体系体现了小学、初中一贯制原则,而目前学制体系并未发生多大变革,与课程改革并不完全匹配,这不能不说是初中、小学教学容易脱 Middle school, primary school English teaching convergence has been plagued our English teachers, especially junior high school English teachers. To solve this problem, to stimulate students interest in learning English, to mobilize the enthusiasm for learning, and promote the sustainable development of student learning in the new normal of English education, to further improve the efficiency of teaching is essential. How to shorten the run-in period of junior middle school and primary school English teaching and realize both as soon as possible “seamless docking” should be the common research topic for primary and secondary school English teachers. The compilation of compulsory education textbooks 3A to 9B in the context of the new curriculum embodies the principle of primary and junior high school consistency. At present, there is not much change in the system of schooling and it does not exactly match with the curriculum reform. This can not but be said that junior high school and primary school Teaching easy to take off