近十年来,甲鱼市场经历了由暴利到微利的巨大变化,各养殖场不得不在加强管理,降低养殖成本上狠下功夫,我场在常规养殖的基础上,又采取了室外自然养殖的阶段套养鱼种的新举措,取得明显经济效益。1 池塘条件 池塘长方形,面积1.5亩,水泥板护坡,筑有防逃墙。水源为地下水,水质清新,无污染。2 苗种来源 幼甲鱼苗种是本场自繁自育的纯正中华鳖,个体平均在0.5斤/只,体质健壮,无伤残;武昌鱼夏花鱼种从本单位苗种繁殖场购进,共1.2万尾,规格整齐。
In the past ten years, the market of turtle has undergone tremendous changes from profiteering to meager profit. All the breeding farms have to make great efforts to strengthen management and reduce the cost of breeding. On the basis of conventional breeding, our field has taken the stage of outdoor natural breeding New measures of fish species, and obtain obvious economic benefits. A pond pond rectangular conditions, an area of 1.5 acres, cement board slope protection, built with anti-evasion wall. Water for groundwater, fresh water, no pollution. 2 seedlings of raw juvenile soft-shelled turtle seedlings are self-propagating pure Chinese soft-shelled turtle, the average individual in the 0.5 kg / body, strong physique, no disability; Wuchang fish summer flower species purchased from the unit breeding ground , A total of 12,000 tail, neat specifications.