山东省优秀共产党员,国营第八○七○厂党委书记兼厂长韩莉,是从一线工人中走来的女当家。 16岁那年,韩莉走出校门便踏入了火热的工厂。一向求知严谨的她对技术虚心好学,不耻下问。5年后担任了车间主任并光荣入党。1976年安丘成立了无线电元件厂,当地政府八方招揽人才,组建工厂,韩莉被调任车间主任。当时的电子技术人员匮乏。她便自学起了半导体技术,碰到难题主动向技术人员求教。现在的“老高工”们回忆起当时的事说:“小韩年轻时学习技术真有股钻劲韧劲。白天,她管好车间的生产,晚上总是学习到深夜,那个年代有这样的求知欲望实感
Outstanding Communist Party member in Shandong Province, the state-owned factory secretary and director of the factory plant Bao ○ ○ ○ Hanli Hanli, who came from the front-line workers. 16 years old, Han Li stepped out of school, they entered the fiery factory. Has always been strict knowledge of technology her modest and studious, shameless asks. 5 years later as the workshop director and honored to join the party. In 1976 Anqiu set up a radio components plant, the local government recruiters P Plus, set up factories, Han Li was transferred to the workshop director. The lack of electronic technicians at the time. She learned to semiconductor technology, encountered difficulties to take the initiative to ask technical staff. Today’s senior workers recalled the things they said at the time: ”When she was young, she learned a lot about the techniques she learned. During the day, she managed the production of the workshop and always learned late at night, This kind of knowledge desire real feeling