据广东省高级人民法院透露,2012年1-7月,全省法院新收信用卡纠纷案件13 096件,同比增长17.30%。针对银行卡纠纷高发态势,2012年8月7日,广东省高院对外公布3宗银行卡民事纠纷典型案例,法官现身说法教民众防范风险。案例一:信用卡被冒用,商家要赔七成康先生是某银行万事达信用金卡的持有人。2009年4月7日,他在广州员村吃饭时丢了钱包,里面有身份证、信用卡等。由于信用卡上没有个人照片,也没有设密码,康先生立即拨打银行客服电话办理了停止支
According to the Higher People’s Court of Guangdong Province, from January to July 2012, 13,096 new credit card cases were received by courts across the province, an increase of 17.30% over the same period of last year. In response to the high incidence of bank card disputes, on August 7, 2012, the Guangdong Provincial High Court announced three typical cases of civil disputes involving bank cards. Judges came to teach the public to guard against risks. Case 1: The credit card is fraudulent, the merchant wants to pay Mr. Cheng Chengkang is the holder of a bank MasterCard credit card. On April 7, 2009, he lost his wallet while eating at Guangzhou’s member village with ID cards and credit cards. As no personal photos on the credit card, there is no password, Mr. Kang immediately call the bank customer service call for a stop branch