为扩大“九二0”的应用范围,我们对“九二0”产品作了进一步改进,研制出一种效果更好的新型植物生长促进剂-植食宝。1991年我们在小麦上的试验结果表明,增效、加合作用明显。小麦室内盆栽试验设四个处理:①喷植食宝1号;②喷植食宝 2号;③喷“九二 0”;④喷清水作对照。在小麦第
In order to expand the scope of the “9220” application, we have further improved the “920” product and developed a new plant growth promoter called Phytosan which is more effective. In 1991, our test results on wheat showed that synergism and adduction were obvious. Wheat indoor pot experiment set four treatments: ① sprayed on the food Po 1; ② sprayed on the food Po 2; ③ spray “nine two 0”; ④ spray water as a control. In wheat first