刘××男,5岁。1986年5月19日初诊。其父代诉:半年前因患“尿路感染”而见尿频、尿急、尿痛等症,经服中药治疗后,尿急、尿痛消失,而尿频尚存,近一月逐渐加重,每小时达3~5次。患儿平素畏寒,自汗,有尿床史。诊见舌质淡,苔薄白,脉沉细。查尿常规阴性。治以补肾固涩,投缩泉丸加味。 5月23日二诊:患者服药3剂,效。虑有自汗,故改投桂枝汤以调和营卫。方药:桂枝4克 白芍6克 生姜3克 甘草4克 大枣3枚。水煎服,一日一剂。
Liu × × male, 5 years old. May 19, 1986 new diagnosis. The father’s behalf: six months ago due to suffering from “urinary tract infection” and see frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, after taking Chinese medicine treatment, urgency, dysuria disappeared, and urinary frequency surviving, gradually increased in January, Up to 3 to 5 times per hour. The child is usually chilly, spontaneous, and has a history of bedwetting. The diagnosis showed pale tongue, thin white fur, and fine pulse. Check urine is negative. Treatment of kidney and Guse astringent, cast shrinking spring pills flavored. May 23, second diagnosis: The patient took 3 doses, effective. Concerned with self-sweat, it was changed to Guizhi Tang to reconcile the business guard. Recipe: Guizhi 4 grams White Poria 6 grams Ginger 3 grams Licorice 4 grams Jujube 3 pieces. Shuijianbi, day one.