农家乐 城里人在城里住久了,听久了汽车的喇叭声,看腻了闪耀的霓红灯,闻烦了工厂的烟囱味,就开始想方设法选择回避和离开,哪怕是那么一小会儿,他们也觉得愉快和轻松。回避也好,离开也罢。究竟到哪里去?两个字:农村。
Nongjiale people live in the city for a long time, listening to a long horn of the car, tired of seeing the flashing neon lights, smell the chimney factory smell, began to find ways to choose to avoid and leave, even if it is a little Children, they also feel happy and relaxed. Avoidance Ye Hao, leave worth mentioning. Exactly where to go? Two words: the countryside.