根据海军几个工厂近年来学习、推广、应用模块式培训方法(即MES)的实践体会,MES的中国化,应该从以下几方面着手:即对MES方法实行“宽化”、“简化”、“深化”、“粗化”的改革。 1.宽化——拓宽MES培训方法的应用领域 MES培训方法由原来的职前培训拓宽到在职培训,并与岗位培训紧密联系起来,这样MES培训方法既可以用于就业培训,也可以用于在职培训,既可以用于工人培训,也可以用于干部培训和工程技
According to the experience of several factories in the Navy in learning, promoting and applying the modular training method (ie MES) in recent years, the MES should be initiated in the following aspects: “widening”, “simplifying” the MES method, “Deepening” and “coarsening” reforms. 1. Widening - Broaden the Application Areas of MES Training Methods The MES training method is broadened from pre-service training to on-the-job training and closely linked to job training so that the MES training method can be used for both job training and employment training On-the-job training can be used both for worker training and for cadre training and engineering