应用需求:前一段时间液晶显示器被炒得沸沸扬扬,各个厂商纷纷推出自己的LCD产品,似乎显示器马上就要进入液晶时代了,但由于技术上的原因,LCD显示器在色彩、动态视频效果等方面还无法和CRT显示器相比。另外,由于液晶屏生产制造工艺方面的原因,造成成品合格率比较低,使得LCD的价格始终不能使广大消费者满意。所以,CRT显示器仍然是显示器市场的主流产品,它还将在今后的一段时期内占据市场的主导地位。 应用环境:无论是日常处理大量文档、制作电子表格的商务办公用户,还是普通的家庭用户都希望拥有一台性能优异、质量可靠同时经济实惠的显示器。TCL M769F是一款文字表现出色、画面表现细腻的CRT纯平显示器,适合商业、办公、教育等行业用户使用,同时也能够满足普通家庭用户的使用需求。
Application Requirements: Some time ago, LCD monitors are uproar, all manufacturers have introduced their own LCD products, it seems that the monitor will soon enter the LCD era, but due to technical reasons, LCD monitors in color, dynamic video effects and so on Can not compare with CRT monitor. In addition, due to LCD manufacturing process reasons, resulting in a lower qualified rate of finished products, making the price of the LCD can not always satisfied the vast number of consumers. Therefore, the CRT monitor is still the mainstream display market, it will also dominate the market for some time to come. Application Environment: Whether it is a large number of documents for daily processing, business office users make spreadsheets, or ordinary home users want to have a performance, reliable quality and affordable display. The TCL M769F is a CRT flat-screen monitor with excellent text performance and fine screen performance. It is suitable for users in commercial, office and education industries as well as the needs of ordinary home users.