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马克思主义哲学中国化的历史回顾徐素华马克思主义和马克思主义哲学中国化问题,是毛泽东、艾思奇在30年代后半期提出的。问题的提出及探讨的规模既标志着马克思主义在中国进入了一个更加注重结合实际应用和发展的新时期,同时也有力地推进了中国革命的实际进程,使之进入一个更加自觉自为的新阶段。回顾这段历史,一是借此纪念毛泽东的百年诞辰;二是为人们深刻理解建设有中国特色社会主义理论提供一点启迪。一、问题的提出1938年4月,艾思奇在《自由中国》创刊号上发表《哲学的现状和任务》一文,明确提出“现在需要来一个哲学研究的中国化、现实化的运动”,并作了详细论证。“哲学的中国化和现实化”运动是马克思主义哲学(当时称为新哲学)在中国传播发展的必然阶段。马克思主义哲学五四前后开始传入中国,经历初步翻译介绍(1927年以前)和比较全面系统地翻译介绍(1934年以前)之后,于30年代中期进入通俗化(即大众化)传播时期。由艾思奇首倡并形成一定声势、产生一定影响的新哲学大众化运动,打破了哲学的神秘外壳,使之和人们的日常生活接近,成为人们思想行动的指南。新哲学大众运动在马克思主义哲学传播史上很有意义。但是,“通俗化并不等于中国化现实化。由于其整个并 Historical Review of the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy Xu Suhua Marxism and the Marxist philosophy of China are Mao Zedong and Ai Siqi put forward in the latter half of the 1930s. The issue raised and the scale of the study not only marked the entry of Marxism into a new era in China that was more focused on practical application and development, but also effectively pushed forward the actual process of the Chinese revolution and brought it into a new and more self-reliant stage. Reviewing this passage of history, one is to commemorate the centenary birthday of Mao Zedong; the other is to provide some inspiration for people’s profound understanding of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. I. PROBLEM PROBLEMS In April 1938, Ai Siqi published a “Philosophical Status Quo and Tasks” on the first issue of “Free China,” and clearly put forward the “Chinese-oriented and realistic campaign that now requires a philosophical study.” Made a detailed argument. The “Sinolization and Realization of Philosophy” movement is an inevitable phase of the spread and development of Marxist philosophy (then called New Philosophy) in China. Marxist philosophy started to spread into China during the May Fourth Movement, and after its initial translation introduction (before 1927) and more comprehensive and systematic translation (before 1934), it entered the period of popularization (popularization) in the mid-1930s. The new philosophical popularization movement initiated by Ai Siqi and formed a certain momentum and exerted certain influence broke the mysterious shell of philosophy and brought it close to the daily life of people and became the guide of people’s thought and action. The new philosophical mass movement makes a lot of sense in the history of the spread of Marxist philosophy. However, "popularization does not mean that China is realized
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