《金瓶梅》写人用的“纯是白描追魂摄影之笔”(张竹坡语),语言看似通俗平易,却能平中见奇,隽永传神,令人把玩不尽。小说第二十八回写潘金莲与陈经济调情时用的一连串八个不同的称呼语,就十分精彩,显示了作者非凡的语言功力。 这一回写的是,陈经济偶然得到了潘金莲的一只红鞋,而潘金莲此时正因找不到跟西门庆在葡萄架下奸耍时丢掉的这只鞋大发雷霆,朝无辜的秋菊身上出气。陈经济早就对潘金莲垂涎三尺了,而潘金莲对他也是秋波频送,只是苦于没有机会点破二人的心事,成全二人的好事。所以陈经济拿到这只红鞋之后,首先想到的就是:“我几次戏他,他口儿且
Written by Jin Ping Mei, “Pure is the pen of white sketching and dedication photography” (Zhang bamboo slogan), the language looks ordinary and easy, but can see the ordinary, meaningful, it is endless play. The 28th Annotation of the Novel The sequence of eight different appellations used by Pan Jinlian and Chen in economic flirtations is very exciting and shows the author’s extraordinary language skill. This time back writing, Chen economy happened to have got a red shoe from Pan Jinlian, and Pan Jinlian was upset at this time because he could not find the shoe that Simon lost when he was on the vine. Chrysanthemum body outlet. Chen economy has long coveted Pan Jinlian, and Pan Jinlian is also good for him, but suffer from no chance to break the two minds, the achievement of two good deeds. So Chen economy to get this red shoes, the first thought is: "I play him several times, he mouth and children