冠心病是当前危害人类健康的主要疾病,许多科学家均致力于探寻防治冠心病的措施。而心肌细胞缺血损伤的保护一直是医学生物界研究的热点。本实验建立了在体外研究正常和缺血状态下心肌细胞较理想的模型,并利用此模型研究了鸡巯基蛋白酶抑制肽(Cystein Preteinase Inhibitor,CPI_c—Ⅱ)对心肌细胞的保护作用。
Coronary heart disease is the current major disease that endangers human health and many scientists are committed to exploring ways to prevent and treat coronary heart disease. The protection of myocardial ischemia and injury has been a hot spot in the medical and biological research. This study established a more ideal model of cardiomyocytes in normal and ischemic conditions in vitro and used this model to study the protective effect of Cystein Preteinase Inhibitor (CPI_c-Ⅱ) on cardiomyocytes.