【摘 要】
【机 构】
太原科技大学 电子信息工程学院,太原030024
针对双线圈无线充电系统电能传输距离较短的问题,采用增加中继线圈的方法来提高传输距离,首先利用电路互感理论对系统进行建模分析,分别推导出系统传输效率关于线圈间距的函数表达式,然后通过编程仿真分析其变化关系,最后进一步利用Matlab搭建系统模型验证其可行性,仿真结果表明:在系统传输效率较高且稳定的情况下,相比双线圈系统,带中继线圈的系统可以使传输距离提高0.2 m.
Stellar activity cycles have been found on many stars through different methods.Although in debate,an empirical relation has been found where a period of stellar activity cycle Pcyc is positively correlated with rotation period Prot along some segregated
4C 38.41是一颗红移为1.813、可分类为平谱射电类星体的耀变体,使用一台85 cm望远镜在2018年2月22日至26日期间对其进行了光学V和R波段测光观测,得到两个波段的准同时数据.基于这些数据分析了该源在不同光变时标下的光变特性.结果表明:这颗源在观测期间处于较弱的活动状态,V和R波段星等(V,R)总变化均约为0.20等.在天内时标下,其中3晚探测到了该源的天内光变,另有一晚可能存在天内光变.此外,通过色指数和时延分析发现4C 38.41在不同时标下都展现越亮越红行为,与大多数平谱射电类星体类似
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Precise measurements of neutron star(NS)velocities provide critical clues in regard to the supernova physics and evolution of binary systems.Based on Gaia Data Release 2(DR2),we selected a sample of 24 young(<3 Myr)pulsars with precise parallax measure
近日,我国的重大科技基础设施“高海拔宇宙线观测站”(Large High Altitulde Air Shower Observatory,LHAASO)在《Nature》期刊上发表了首批科学结果[1].LHAASO利用其1/2阵列
We report the discovery of three new pulsars in the globular cluster(GC)NGC 6517,namely NGC 6517 E,F and G,made with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical r
Accurate estimation of cratering asymmetry on the Moon is crucial for understanding Moon evolution history.Early studies of cratering asymmetry have omitted the contributions of high lunar obliquity and inclination.Here,we include lunar obliquity and incl