东欧的深秋,枫林透红,杨树泛出耀眼的金黄,一座座悦目的哥特式建筑掩映其中,触目皆如一幅幅浓墨重彩、充满层次感的优美油画。恰逢这一迷人的时节,我随中国新闻代表团一行6人,应邀访问了有“上帝后花园”之称的美丽国家——保加利亚,并有幸走进了保加利亚军队报社,与我们的军队新闻同行进行了坦率的交流。 索菲亚市中心的拉克弗斯基大街,幽静而典雅。当我们踏进这条街区的时候,烟雾轻笼,细雨沾衣,街上弥漫着古老欧洲城市的那种浪漫情调和诗意梦境。不知何故,我忽然想起闻名世界的莫斯科涅瓦大街——尽管我从未涉足这个极
Autumn in Eastern Europe, Fenglin red, poplar dazzling golden yellow, a seat of good looking Gothic architecture set off them, touching all are like a flourishing, full of layers of beautiful oil paintings. During this fascinating season, with the help of a delegation of 6 Chinese journalists, I was invited to visit the beautiful country called “God’s Back Garden” - Bulgaria. I was fortunate enough to have entered the Bulgarian Army’s newspaper, together with our army news Peer conducted a frank exchange. Sophia’s downtown Lafayette Street, quiet and elegant. As we walked into the neighborhood, the smoke was lightly clothed and drizzled, with the romantic and poetic dreams of the ancient European cities on the streets. Somehow, I suddenly remembered the world-famous Nevsky Prospect in Moscow - although I never touched this pole