2000年12月27日,湖南 广播影视集团在长沙正式挂牌 成立,这是我国第一家省级广 播影视媒体集团,标志着我国 广播影视业在集团化进程中迈 出了关键一步,今年1月19日, 山东省广播电视总台在济南揭 牌,这是我国第一家广播电视 总台,总台实行企业化管理、 集团化
December 27, 2000, Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group was formally established in Changsha, which is China’s first provincial radio and television media group, marking China’s radio and television industry in the process of the group has taken a crucial step in January this year On the 19th, the radio and television station of Shandong Province was unveiled in Jinan. This is the first radio and television reception desk in our country. The main office carries out enterprise management and grouping