以“嵌入智慧城市开启智能互联”为主题的2012中国国际嵌入式展会与PCIM Asia(亚洲电力电子展)于6月19日~21日在上海举办。电子元器件分销商以及增值服务提供商科通集团此次也携其最新的产品以及解决方案参加中国国际嵌入式展会,并于展会现场进行了产品应用演示,由相关技术人员进行讲解。作为支撑电子行业半壁江山的分销商已经成为推动行业发展不可或缺的一部分。但面对目前竞争的不断加剧,销售增长乏力
The 2012 China International Embedded Exhibition and PCIM Asia (Asia’s Power Electronics Show) with the theme of “Smart City Connected in a Smart City” was held in Shanghai from June 19 to 21. Electronic components distributors and value-added service providers KeTong Group also brought its latest products and solutions to participate in the China International Embedded Show, and at the exhibition site for product demonstration, by the relevant technical staff to explain. As a distributor supporting half of the electronics industry has become an indispensable part of the development of the industry. However, in the face of the current competition is aggravating, sales growth weakness