第一章 总则 第一条 为加强和规范新增建设用地土地有偿使用费(以下简称土地有偿使用费)的财务管理,根据《新增建设用地土地有偿使用费收缴使用管理办法》(财综字[1999]117号)及预算管理的有关规定制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于上缴中央财政的土地有偿使用费。
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to strengthen and standardize the financial management of the compensated royalty for newly-added construction land (hereinafter referred to as the compensation for the use of land), according to the Administrative Measures on the Collection and Use of Paid Use Fee of Newly-Added Construction Land [1999] No. 117) and budget management of the relevant provisions of the development of this approach. Article 2 The present Measures shall apply to the compensated royalty for the land turned over to the central government.