1. The lotter often shows off his abilities, “I have seven abilities. I can pretend to be dead; I can swim; I can ....” 水獭整天夸耀自己:“我有七种本领。我会装死、我会游泳、我会……”
2. The rabbit always says,“Unfortunately, I have only one ability.” 小白兔总说:“可惜,我只有一种本领。”
3. One day, due to carelessness, the otter drops into a cage for fish, and can not come out. 一天,水獭不小心,掉进了一只捕鱼的笼里,怎么也出不来。
2. The rabbit always says,“Unfortunately, I have only one ability.” 小白兔总说:“可惜,我只有一种本领。”
3. One day, due to carelessness, the otter drops into a cage for fish, and can not come out. 一天,水獭不小心,掉进了一只捕鱼的笼里,怎么也出不来。