高校自然科学学报的功能定位与核心竞争力,决定了它与高校学科建设的紧密关系。高校自然科学学报在巩固优势学科、培育新兴学科、培养学科人才以及宣传学科科研成果等方面起到了积极的推动作用。学报在学科建设与发展中应充分发挥其功能作用,高校自然科学学报与高校的学科建设与发展战略应保持一致,要着力特色栏目的作者队伍建设,要不断提高编辑的素质。在期刊改革过程中务必充分考虑高校自然科学学报的特质,以利于高校教学和科研健康发展。“,”Functions and core competitiveness of university journals of natural science determine their close relationship with university disciplines. The role that university journals of natural science promote disciplinary construction is reflected in consolidating priority disciplines, nurturing new ones, training academic talents and extending and transforming research findings. In order to play a better role in disciplinary construction and development, it is necessary for a university journal to De more consistent with the strategy of university development and disciplinary construction and to build qualified journal editors and author team for featured columns. The reform process in the journal must take full account of the nature of university journals of natural science in order to facilitate university teaching, research and health development.