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  3.注意以下短语的用法:be related to, go on to, figure out, look up等。
  [1]Reading is a process, a series of actions that are related to each other. The first thing that all of us do is to predict. We guess what the subject will be. We read the title, look at pictures, and perhaps read the first sentence or two.
  [2]The next step in the reading process is“testing”. As we read, we check the ideas that we made before reading. If the sentences and ideas are what we expected, we continue reading. If the ideas are not what we expected, we change our own ideas. Then we go on to the next sentence. The reading process is a repetition of these steps.
  [3]Readers also use many other skills besides anticipating. Rapid reading for example, is an important skill. It is especially important for students to learn to read quickly and with understanding. There is another part of the skill of fast reading. It is choosing the right speed. A person might want to read a newspaper fast. He or she is reading only for general information and can slow down anytime. However, the introduction to a textbook will need more attention and more careful reading. Being able to change the reading speed is, therefore, necessary.
  [4]Skimming, scanning and surveying are all kinds of rapid reading. They have different purposes. Skimming and scanning are reading very fast while looking for a piece of information. For example, you might read for a particular name or a date in history lesson. Surveying, also fast reading, is reading to understand the structure of an article, how it is “built”. By surveying, readers know the order or sequence of parts.
  [5]The other reading skills are all related to understanding. One is understanding the main idea of a paragraph or of the whole article. Most paragraphs have a main idea and all the other ideas are part of it.
  [6]To study well, students must be able to extract the most important ideas of their books and remember them.
  [7]Understanding vocabulary from context and learning other ways to figure out the meanings of words form an important reading skill, too. It is learning how to find clues and use them to understand the new words without having to look each one up in a dictionary.
  [8]Another reading skill is understanding sequences. A sequence is an order of events. In other words, it is sometimes necessary to know what happened first, what happened next, and what happened last.
  [9]The last reading skill is making inferences and drawing conclusions. Drawing conclusions means making inferences after reading. Readers who understand an article also understand the added meanings. For example, if a story tells the readers that a person needs a warm coat because of snow, the reader knows that the weather is very cold. Another inference is that the season is winter.
  [10]Learning reading skills can help you as a student, who needs to be able to read well. Students who can practise reading skills can learn to be better readers and more successful students.
  全文共有十个自然段,大部分段落都有一个明确的中心思想,由一个主题句(topic sentence)引出,然后紧紧围绕主题句进行说明。
  作者开门见山,提出了“Reading is a process, a series of actions that are related to each other. 阅读是一个由一系列相关联的行为构成的过程。”语言十分简练,能够立刻引起读者的注意,我们可能就会思考,这是一个什么过程?为什么是由一系列相关的活动构成的过程?
  全文关于阅读的主要线索如下:predict——testing——fast reading: skimming, scanning and surveying—— understanding: main idea of each paragraph, understanding vocabulary from context, understanding sequences, making inferences, drawing conclusions。
  作者首先提出了“The first thing that all of us do is to predict.我们做的第一步是预测。”第二段指出“The next step in the reading process is“testing”.阅读过程的第二步是检测。”第三段用“Readers also use many other skills besides anticipating.除了预测,读者还需要运用许多其他的技巧。”提出了接下来要讨论的问题,还有哪些阅读技巧呢?第一个技巧是快速阅读,快速阅读包括skimming, scanning and surveying(浏览、扫视、检测),作者用了两个自然段介绍快速阅读,随后,阐述了“The other reading skills are all related to understanding. 其他的阅读技巧都与理解有关。”—— understanding the main idea理解主旨大意(第5段)——understanding vocabulary from context根据上下文猜测词义(第7段)——understanding sequences弄清顺序(第8段)———making inferences做出推断(第9段)———drawing conclusions得出结论(第10段)。
  文章的最后作者总结全文,做出了结论,提出了学习阅读技巧的意义:“Learning reading skills can help you as a student, who needs to be able to read well. Students who can practise reading skills can learn to be better readers and more successful students.作为一个需要具有良好的阅读能力的学生,学习阅读技巧会对你有所裨益。能够运用阅读技巧的学生,就会成为更好的读者和更加成功的学生。”
  4.(1) Learning Skills for Reading/ Reading Skills
  (2)Paragraph 3: Fast reading is an important skill.
  Paragraph 4: Some fast reading skills.
  Paragraph 7: How to guess the meaning of new words.
  Paragraph 8: How to understand sequences.
在人生的道路上,我们要学会放弃。  有位名人曾经说过:使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而往往是鞋里的一粒沙子。在人生的道路上,我们很有必要学会随时倒出鞋里的那粒小沙粒。这句话让我想起了一则故事。  有位老师带领他的学生去郊游。路过一座小山,发现山脚下有许多五颜六色、大小不一的小石子,上面分别刻有“快乐”、 “悲伤”、 “自私”、 “贪婪”等字样。学生们拼命地把小石子往自己口袋里装,最后实在装不下了
本栏目主持人:孙爱妮 烟台市教育科学研究院  邮箱:[email protected]    高中主要地理要素包括自然地理要素和人文地理要素,自然地理要素主要包括地形、气候、水文(河流)、生物(植被、动物)、地质、土壤等。人文要素主要包括农业、工业、交通、人口、城市、旅游、文化、政治、经济、历史等。在复习考试中,经常会遇到一类题目,就是围绕某类、某个地理要素进行对比分析。  ■  地理空间要素对比常
一、高考文言文翻译的原则    从高考的特点与考查的目的出发,文言文翻译的基本原则是以直译为主,意译为辅。所谓直译,就是将原文中的字字句句落实到译文之中,要译出原文用字造句的特点,甚至在表达方式上也要同原文保持一致。所谓意译,则是根据原文表达的基本意思来进行翻译,不拘泥于字字句句的落实。从高考的特点来看,固然要考查学生对文言文阅读的宏观上的掌握,但更要求考生能够从微观上了解并熟悉古代汉语字词句式等
(一)阅读下面一段文言文,完成1~5题。  伶官传序  欧阳修  呜呼!盛衰之理,虽日天命,岂非人事哉!原庄宗之所以得天下,与其所以失之者,可以知之矣。  世言晋王之将终也,以三矢赐庄宗而告之曰:“梁,吾仇也燕王,吾所立;契丹,与吾约为兄弟,而皆背晋以归梁。此三者,吾遗恨也。与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志!”庄宗受而藏之于庙。其后用兵,则遣从事以一少牢告庙,请其矢,盛以锦囊,负而前驱,及凯旋而纳之。 
高中生物遗传部分历来是高考生物命题的重点,在生物试题总分中约占1/4左右,虽有时以选择题的形式出现,但大多通过非选择题比较全面系统的考查遗传学知识内容。总结2009年全国高考生物试题,寻求遗传学命题规律,把握考试方向及试题特点,是我们更好指导高三生物复习的需要。   ■  1.分离定律   例1.(2009·山东卷·7)人类常色体上β-珠蛋白基因(A+),既有显性突变(A),又有隐性突变(a),突
定语从句一直以来就是各种考试中的一个高频考点,由于它的要点比较多,命题角度也就有很多,这就注定它必定是高考考查的一个热点。实际上,纵观历年高考题,大家不难发现,定语从句几乎年年有,而且考点涉及到很多方面。下面针对定语从句中同学们比较容易忽略或容易混淆的地方给大家做一归纳,帮助大家更好地掌握定语从句,从而在考试中认清考点,轻松得分。    易混点一:定语从句概念不明确。  1. Is this sc
求离心率的值或取值范围一般涉及到平面解析几何、均值不等式等多个知识点,综合性强,方法灵活.解题关键是挖掘题中的隐含条件,构造等式或不等式,下面举例说明.    例1(2006年全国)已知双曲线x2a2-y2b2=1的一条渐近线方程为y=43x,则双曲线的离心率为()  A.53B.43C.54D.32  分析:由题意可知ba=43,可令a=3m,b=4m,则c=a2+b2=5m,  所以e=ca
习作题目    假设你的名字叫李华,今年18岁,想利用暑假打工,你在报纸上看到了某咖啡厅的招聘广告。请根据报纸内容写一封120~150字的求职信。  注意:1. 图下框内为李华个人的相关信息;  2. 信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。  TEMPORARY JOB OFFER    Dear sir,   I would like to apply for the position      Y
第Ⅰ卷(共36分)    一(15分,每小题3分)  1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是  A.炽热∕整饬 应用文∕应有尽有 歆慕∕薪火相传  B.庇护∕譬如 习字帖∕俯首帖耳 给予∕掎角之势  C.匝道∕扎啤 供给制∕供认不讳 肄业∕苦心孤诣  D.标识∕什物 露马脚∕崭露头角 模样∕摩肩接踵  2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是  A.截流 开源节流 教课书 嬉笑怒骂,皆成文章  