保守主义、激进主义和自由主义是中国三大现代性思潮。保守主义以中国传统文化作为现代性主要思想资源 ,反对全盘西化 ,反对激进变革。保守主义作为激进主义和自由主义的反拨和补充 ,有其积极的历史作用。中国保守主义往往是激进主义、自由主义受挫之时兴起 ,因而又带有阻滞现代性的消极作用。保守主义的屡屡兴起 ,体现了中国知识分子的现代性焦虑。它只有在充分接受现代性的前提下 ,才能成为健全的现代性思潮
Conservatism, radicalism and liberalism are the three major currents of thought in China. Conservatism regards traditional Chinese culture as the main source of modernity and opposed full Westernization and opposition to radical changes. Conservatism, as a counterattack and supplement to radicalism and liberalism, has a positive historical role. Conservatism in China is often radicalism and the rise of liberalism at the moment of frustration, thus bringing about the negative effect of blocking modernity. The frequent rise of conservatism reflects the modernity anxiety of Chinese intellectuals. Only under the premise of fully accepting modernity can it become a sound ideological trend of modernity