我国已进入老龄化社会,2000年统计,年龄≥65岁的老年人占总人口比例的7.0%,预计2020年将达到11.0%,2040年将达到19.7%。心血管病是老年人的主要疾病,而老年人的主要死亡原因是心源性猝死(SCD)。SCD是指健康人、病情稳定或恢复期的心脏病患者由于心脏原因引起的出乎意料的突然死亡。世界卫生组织将发病6 h内的死亡定为猝死,2007年美国ACC会议上将发病1 h内的死亡定为猝死。据统计,全世界每年有数百万人因SCD丧生,占死亡人数的15%~20%。在我国,SCD也居
China has entered an aging society. According to statistics of 2000, the proportion of the elderly aged 65 or older accounts for 7.0% of the total population. It is estimated that by 2020 it will reach 11.0% and by 2040 will reach 19.7%. Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of the elderly, and the leading cause of death in the elderly is sudden cardiac death (SCD). SCD refers to an unexpected sudden death of a healthy, stable or convalescent heart patient due to a cardiac cause. WHO will be the onset of death within 6 h as a sudden death, 2007 ACC meeting will be the incidence of death within 1 h as sudden death. According to statistics, millions of people in the world die each year from SCD, accounting for 15% -20% of the death toll. In our country, SCD also lives