Hirsch et al. discovered for the first time in the rat thyroid gland that the hormone that reduces plasma calcium and phosphate—calcitonin (CT) consists of 32 amino acid residues. Plasma CT is mainly derived from C-cells in the thyroid gland. However, in recent years, CT immunoreactivity (IR-CT) has also been found in multiple sites outside the thyroid, such as thymus, pituitary, lung, intestine, and other tissues. Some studies have shown that IR-CT can still be detected in plasma and urine when thyroid is absent. On the other hand, ectopically generated IR-CT is often associated with small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and other various tumors (including gastric cancer). . Schwartz et al. observed that plasma IR-CT levels were high in 3 of 10 patients with gastric cancer. At present, there have been no reports on the use of immunohistochemical detection of CT in human gastric mucosa and tumors. This article uses immunohistochemical peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method to study the localization of IR-CT in normal or gastritis gastric mucosa, gastric adenoma and gastric cancer tumor cells. A small number of cells containing IR-CT were observed in the antral mucosa of infants and adults. The ratio of IR-CT to G-cells was approximately 1:50-