目前,随着改革开放不断深入,我国音乐创作呈现出一派繁荣景象,各种征歌活动方兴未艾,吸引着众多的歌曲作者。作为每一个从事、热爱这项事业的同志应该感谢、珍惜大家为我们提供的这些展示才华的机会。这本是件好事。 然而,这类需送“录音小样”的征歌活动,同样又使作者由此感到头痛!尤其令广大基层业余作者望而却步、困惑不解! 困惑其一,有人分析现在录制一首稍过得去的
At present, with the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the music creation in our country shows a prosperous scene. All kinds of song-making activities are in the ascendant and many songwriters are attracted. As a comrade who engages in and loves this cause, we should be grateful to them for cherishing the talents that we have provided for us. This is a good thing. However, such kind of singing activities that send “sample recordings” also make the author feel a headache! In particular, the grass-roots amateur writers are discouraged! One confused one, some analysis now record a little too go