3紫外C消毒技术与几种传统消毒技术的比较现代紫外线杀菌器消毒技术与传统消毒技术的比较由表2给出。它克服了现有传统消毒技术的缺点。在消毒过程中,不添加任何化学物质,也不产生或在水体中留下任何有害物质,运行安全、可靠,安装、维修简单,特别是投资及运行维修费用低以及极好的消毒效果。欧洲许多国家以及北美的加拿大和美国已在90年代分别修改了环境立法,在废水处理后的消毒,以及饮用水的消毒上,推荐采用紫外-C 消毒技术。
3 UV C disinfection technology and several traditional disinfection technology Comparison of modern UV disinfection disinfection technology and traditional disinfection techniques are given in Table 2. It overcomes the shortcomings of the existing traditional disinfection techniques. In the process of disinfection, no chemical substances are added, no harmful substances are generated or left in the water, the operation is safe and reliable, the installation and maintenance are simple, the investment and the operation and maintenance costs are low, and the excellent disinfection effect is provided. Many European countries, as well as North America, Canada and the United States have amended their environmental legislation in the 1990s respectively. UV disinfection is recommended for wastewater treatment and disinfection of drinking water.