庆阳市地处黄土高原,位于甘肃东部,为全国优质苹果生产基地之一。苹果生产是庆阳市的优势产业,2004年种植面积3.15万hm2。近年来,苹果黑星病的发生,对苹果产业的发展构成了潜在威胁。1发生与为害情况苹果黑星病又名疮痂病,是由苹果黑星菌V enturia inaequalis(Cooke)W inter侵?
Qingyang City is located in the Loess Plateau, is located in the eastern part of Gansu, as one of the country’s high-quality apple production base. Apple production is a dominant industry in Qingyang City, with a planting area of 31,500 hm2 in 2004. In recent years, the occurrence of apple scab has posed a potential threat to the development of the apple industry. Occurrence and Harmfulness Apple scab is also known as scab, and is invaded by V enturia inaequalis (Cooke) W inter.