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  life has states of grace independent of 1)catechism. My list includes fog, darkness, thunder, mud, autumn, Blue Jay nests, canoes, campfires, woodpiles, smell of horses, new potatoes, wild grape wine, 2)camomile tea, black and white photographs, rocking-chairs. Of these the most gracious is snow. Every true and genuine grace is free. If a collection plate slides by beforehand, if oaths are taken, if a ticket is required, it may be comforting, it may be cosy, but it ain’t grace. Grace is self-made, self-powered, self-administered. I am thinking about snow because outside my window it is, at this very moment, snowing. Lazy, good-for-nothin’ snow falling out of a still and motionless atmosphere.
  When I was a kid I got interested in growing crystals. I brewed a 3)supersaturated solution of table salt and 4)potassium 5)nitrate. Then, by sprinkling in a little flour on the surface of the supersaturated solution, you can make it snow inside a jar exactly the way it snows over the township. I have seen 6)excelsior snow, snow born out of a clear sky when a moist air mass drifts over cold ground. I recall walking to the house after evening chores, and midway between the barn and the house it was snowing. There were no clouds and 7)Orion was standing proud and red-shouldered on the ridge road, and snow was sifting out of nowhere, as if I was in a jar of supersaturated solution myself.
  You can hear the sound of 8)crystallization, a tinkling is how I would describe it, like a window pane mixed with a BB gun.
  9)Astrophysical journals like to entertain amateurs with what it would be like to encounter the 10)event horizon of a black hole. I admit a black hole would make an interesting 11)contraption at the county fair, and when I’m done with life and sex and books and 12)trout, I shall volunteer to ride the business. Until then I believe snow is a fair 13)approximation.
  Grace is what gods are supposed to feel like on a good day. Grace is how come the gods didn’t invent the shopping mall. Grace is when you kind of blend into something wider and you don’t care. This is why I hold snow as a beauty too often left to saints.

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小编我是个粤语“栋笃笑”粉丝,每年春晚也爱看相声,总觉得像这样的语言艺术家简直是另外一个物种……单凭一张嘴皮子就能将满场观众逗得哄堂大笑,怎一个伶牙俐齿了得!美国黑人谐星克里斯·洛克(本名Christopher Julius “Chris” Rock III)也不例外。他上过电视,当过主持,写过剧本,拍过电影,拿过艾美奖,多次入选当今最伟大的喜剧演员之列。然而,名成利就从未让他忘记自己的老本行,他