希腊的米洛斯岛地域广大,有六万平方米与世隔绝的自然景观。设计理念是通过四个明确区分的自治区域将农业区与野外的环境区分开来。每一座建筑都是从周围的小环境中提取线索,并采用可持续发展战略,目的是放大房子以及周围景观的品质体验。“洗礼之地”(The Immersion corral)坐落于一处高原上,位于白色凝灰岩及石灰岩的悬崖边上,带有岛屿南部海岸的特色。在这里,感官不断受到原始自然元素的冲击:大海的声音、强烈的日光和海风、以及水平地质构造所带来的开阔视野。这座高原上170平米的建筑是围绕着外部的庭院建造的,这样
Milos Island in Greece is vast and has 60,000 square meters of secluded natural landscape. The design philosophy is to distinguish agricultural areas from the wild in four distinctly autonomous regions. Each building draws its clues from the small surrounding environment and adopts a sustainable development strategy that aims to amplify the quality experience of the house and surrounding landscapes. The Immersion corral sits on a plateau, on the edge of white tuff and limestone cliffs, featuring the southern coast of the island. Here, the senses continue to be impacted by the primitive elements of nature: the sound of the sea, intense sunlight and sea breeze, and the broadening horizons that result from horizontal geological formations. The 170-square-meter building on the plateau is built around an exterior courtyard