砷在自然界中大多以化合物的形式存在,常见的有三氧化二砷(俗称“砒霜”)、二硫化二砷(雄黄As2S2)、三氯化砷、氰化砷等,其中以三氧化二砷最为常见。砷的氧化物和盐类属于高毒类,三价砷化物的毒性强于五价砷化物。三价砷化物及五价砷化物皆可经呼吸道、皮肤、消化道吸收,其毒作用主要影响中枢神经系统、毛细血管渗透性和新陈代谢等,以及对皮肤和黏膜有不同程度的刺激作用。2013年2月7日颁布的GBZ 83-2013《职
Arsenic is mostly in the form of compounds in nature. Arsenic trioxide (commonly known as “arsenic”), arsenic disulfide (realgar As2S2), arsenic trichloride and arsenic cyanide are the most common compounds in nature. Among them, arsenic trioxide is the most common one. Arsenic oxides and salts are highly toxic and trivalent arsenic is more toxic than pentavalent arsenic. Trivalent arsenic and pentavalent arsenic compounds can be absorbed through the respiratory tract, skin and digestive tract. The toxic effects mainly affect the central nervous system, capillary permeability and metabolism, as well as stimulate the skin and mucous membranes to varying degrees. GBZ 83-2013 "issued on February 7, 2013