对于每个毕业生来说,求职是必须迈过的一道“坎”。不过,我们也必须面对这样一个现实,求职并非易事,可以毫不夸张地说, 几乎所有的求职者都有过失败经历。难道求职失败真的是因为自身学历太低、证书太少、缺乏工作经验吗?其实,这一切都不是最主要的,关键在于我们是以怎样的心态面对、规划这场人生大考。本栏目将分设“求职初体验”、”企业面对面”、“行情早知道”三个子栏目,助你顺利跨入职场。
For each graduate, job search is a must have crossed a “hurdle.” However, we must face the fact that it is not easy to find a job, and it is no exaggeration to say that almost all job seekers have failed. Is job failure really because of their education is too low, too little certificate, lack of work experience? In fact, all this is not the most important, the key is that we are in the face of the attitude of mind, planning for this life exam. This column will be divided into “early job experience”, “business face to face,” “market known early” three sub-sections to help you smoothly into the workplace.