产品的包装近年来己受到大家的重视,但对原材料包装的管理尚未引起人们的注意. 目前对原材料包装物的管理,大致有以下几种情况:(1)大部分包装物是随原材料购进,不另登帐,原材料用完即成为工业垃圾,或作为福利售给职工,散失浪费严重.(2)有的包装物供应方虽收取押金,但进厂后不设帐,不登记包装物的收发、使用情况,往往由于损坏严重,不能收回押金;有部分坚固耐用的包装物,虽破损较少,但因其外形相似,容易因错退而造成损失.(3)对本厂自备包装物,收入时全部摊入成本,发出后的回收情况不设帐记录,造成管理混乱,损失很大.
In recent years, product packaging has been everyone’s attention, but the management of raw materials packaging has not attracted the attention of the current management of raw materials packaging, there are roughly the following situations: (1) most of the packaging is purchased with raw materials , No separate debit, the use of raw materials that have become industrial waste, or as a welfare sold to workers, waste serious waste. (2) Although some providers of packaging supplies deposit, but not into account after the factory, do not register the packaging Of the receiving and dispatching, the use of the situation, often due to serious damage, can not recover the deposit; some rugged packaging, although less damaged, but because of its similar shape, easy to miss due to loss. (3) Factory-owned packaging All income is paid into the cost, and after the issue of the issue, there is no record of the collection, resulting in confusion and great loss.