对房屋内墙面进行适当装修,可起到保护墙体、改善室内卫生条件和美化房屋的作用。其方法有很多,今向同志们介绍几种供参考: 1.清水墙喷白。把灰缝原浆刮平,喷两道石灰浆,石灰浆内掺7%食盐或适量动物胶(下同)。
Appropriate decoration of the interior wall of the house can help protect the wall, improve indoor sanitary conditions and beautify the house. There are many ways to do this. I’d like to introduce to you several comrades for reference: 1. The clean water wall is sprayed white. The mortar shall be smoothed and two lime mortars shall be sprayed. The mortar shall be mixed with 7% salt or an appropriate amount of animal glue (the same below).