Fat-forming variant of solitary fibrous tumor of the mediastinum

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqwc112
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Fat-forming variant of solitary fibrous tumor(fat-forming variant of SFT), previously calledlipomatous hemangiopericytoma (L-HPC), is a recentlyrecognized rare variant of solitary fibrous tumor (SFT)with unpredictable biologic behavior. Fat-forming variantof SFT occurs predominately in the deep soft tissues ofthe lower extremities. Histologically, it is composed of anadmixture of benign hemangiopericytomatous andlipomatous components. Up to now, only 37 cases havebeen reported in the English literature worldwide andthe molecular analyses are sparse. Reported herein is thefirst Chinese case of fat-forming variant of SFT. Althoughone case of fat-forming variant of SFT in the Fat-forming variant of solitary fibrous tumor (fat-forming variant of SFT), previously called lipomatous hemangiopericytoma (L-HPC), is a recentlyrecognized rare variant tumor of solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) with unpredictable biologic behavior. Fat-forming variant of SFT occurs predominately in the deep soft tissues of the lower extremities. Histologically, it is composed of anadmixture of benign hemangiopericytomatous andlipomatous components. Up to now, only 37 cases havebeen reported in the English literature worldwide and the molecular analyzes are sparse. Reported herein is thefirst Chinese case of fat -forming variant of SFT. Althoughone case of fat-forming variant of SFT in the
余治林  年龄:49岁  身份:导演、北京艾美思特影视董事长  微博:http://weibo.com/u/1274455291  1.  当我说:我觉得你素面朝天的时候最自然。  我是说:真的,你素面朝天很美!  2.  当我说:包包没必要买这么名贵的,刮花了得多心疼啊!  我是说:前几天不是才入手一个吗?太贵了!悠着点!  3.  当我说:你喜欢就去买吧。  我是说:算了,我是没辙了,你想怎么
由人民音乐出版社录制完成的 VCD《学钢琴与教钢琴的要领与诀窍——献给为钢琴教学与钢琴考级而努力的教师和学生》(六片碟一盒装)将在近期出版。作者兼讲授者周铭孙现任北