目前,由于高校就业指导教师队伍体制建设有待完善,缺乏系统性、稳定性、专业性与职业性,高校及教师本人普遍不具备品牌意识。就业指导教师应以社会发展和学生需求为契机,积极树立品牌意识、提升专业能力、扩充知识架构、锻炼实践经验、提高指导水平、展现个人魅力,让学生信服、受用,帮助学生成长。,Building the personal brand of career guidance teacher has a crucial meaning for the enhancement of employment competitiveness and career development of college graduate students. Currently, with the lack of systematization, stability, specialty and professionalism, the building of career guidance teachers’ institution needs to be improved. And the university and also the teachers generally do not have the brand awareness. Under the background of the social development and the students’ growing need, career guidance teachers should regard it as an opportunity to actively build brand awareness, enhance professional skills, cultivate occupational quality, expand the knowledge architecture, exercise the practical experience, improve the guidance level, master brand marketing channel, display personal charm, convince the students and ultimately help them grow.