在俄罗斯,对中国哲学的研究要追溯到 18世纪。俄罗斯第一批汉学家把儒家的早期经典《大学》、《中庸》翻译成俄语出版(《大学》译本在 1780年问世,《中庸》译本于 1784年问世 )。俄罗斯现代著名汉学家维·费·费奥克蒂斯托夫甚至认为,俄罗斯的汉学正是从出版这两本哲学著作开始
In Russia, the study of Chinese philosophy goes back to the 18th century. The first batch of Russian sinologists translated Confucianism ’s early classic “university” and “doctrine of the mean” into Russian (the translation of “university” came out in 1780, and the “golden mean” translation came out in 1784). The famous modern Russian scholar 维费费费克蒂 斯托夫 even believe that Russian Sinology is from the publication of these two philosophical works