Matching Investigation between Instrument Precision and Aiming Method

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helen527
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In the course of using precise visual instrument, aiming precision is an important parameter to analyze the measurement error. Usually, instrument calibrated error is set down as measurement error. In the paper, the precision theory of TC2003 theodolite is analyzed and some aiming experiments is done for different width line. Then, the relations between the width of line and aiming precision are shown by different aiming methods of two superposition solid lines and one line clipped by double lines. Finally, an effective method to improve aiming precision is proposed which adopts the aiming method of one line clipped by double lines. In the course of using precise visual instrument, aiming precision is an important parameter to analyze the measurement error. An the tool is calibrated error is set down as measurement error. In the paper, the precision theory of TC2003 theodolite is analyzed and some aiming experiments is done for different width line. Then, the relations between the width of line and aiming precision are shown by different aiming methods of two superposition solid lines and one line clipped by double lines. Finally, an effective method to improve aiming precision is proposed which which the aiming method of one line clipped by double lines.
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