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  某天在报摊上翻阅《读者》,读到了这么一则故事:美国作家布鲁斯·菲勒被诊断出患有致命的癌症后,他最担心的事情不是自己来日无多,而是两个年幼的孪生女儿会因为他的去世而失去父爱,在成长过程中留下无法弥补的缺憾。为了让女儿能够健康快乐地成长,布鲁斯想出了一个别出心裁的主意:组建一个“父亲委员会”。这样,当布鲁斯去世后,这些“代理父亲”就能替代布鲁斯履行父亲的职责,陪他的孪生女儿们玩耍、旅游,或者教她们学习诗歌、音乐……布鲁斯已经将他的故事写成了新书The Council of Dads: My Daughters, My Illness, and the Men Who Could Be Me(《父亲委员会》),好莱坞也计划将这一感人的故事拍成电影……读完之后,小编很是感动,于是决定找来这本书,和读者们分享。
  Bruce Feiler(布鲁斯·费勒,1964— ),生于乔治亚州的美籍犹太人,是美国颇有影响力的作家。居住在纽约的他兴趣广泛,极具冒险精神,曾跋涉一万多英里游历圣经遗迹,并据此创作出畅销一时的Walking the Bible(《圣地踪迹》)一书。该书还被拍摄成美国公共电视台的热门系列片。布鲁斯自幼接受正统的犹太教育,获得耶鲁大学学士、剑桥大学国际关系学硕士学位,其研究触角涉及宗教、日本文化、马戏团、乡村音乐等多个领域。他喜爱旅游,足迹遍布五大洲六十余国。
  As you know, I have learned that I have a seven-inch cancerous 1)tumor in my left 2)femur. The afternoon I first heard the diagnosis I was standing on York Avenue in Manhattan. I sat on a 3)stoop, telephoned Linda, called my parents, and wept. I went to get some 4)crutches, stumbled home, lay down on my bed, and stared at the sky for several hours imagining all the ways my life would change.
  Then Eden and Tybee came in, running and giggling and looking in the mirror. They began to do this dance they made up when they turned three a few months ago. Mixing 5)ring-around-the-rosy, ballet, and the 6)hokey-pokey, they twirled frantically in a circle, going faster and faster until they 7)tumbled onto the ground, laughing with all the glee in the world. As I watched them, I couldn’t control myself. I 8)crumbled. I kept imagining all the walks I might not take with them, the ballet 9)recitals I might not see, the art projects I might not 10)mess up, the boyfriends I might not 11)scowl at, the aisles I might not walk down.
  The next few days were a 12)tangle of tears and late-night conversations, doctor consultations, insurance negotiations, determination, hopes, and fears. I quickly determined I was looking at one of three options: The lost year, the lost limb, or the lost life.
  Through it all, I kept thinking I would be fine. Whatever happens, I have lived a full life. I have traveled the world. I have written ten books. I am at peace.
  I also thought Linda would be fine. She would experience a lot of pain and inconvenience, but in the end she would find a way to live a life of passion and joy.
  But I kept coming back to Eden and Tybee and how difficult life might be for them. Would they wonder who I was? Would they wonder what I thought? Would they lack for my approval, my discipline, my love?
  My voice.
  A few days later, while we were visiting my 13)in-laws on 14)Cape Cod, I woke up suddenly before dawn and thought of a way I might help recreate my voice for them. I started making a list of six men—from all parts of my life, beginning when I was a child and stretching through today. These are the men who know me best. The men who share my values. The men who helped shape and guide me. The men who traveled with me, studied with me, have been through pain and happiness with me.
  Men who know my voice.
  That morning I began 15)composing this letter.
  I believe my daughters will have plenty of resources in their lives. They’ll have loving families. They’ll have welcoming homes. They’ll be able to go to college and travel the world. They’ll have each other. But they may not have me. They may not have their dad.
  Will you help be their dad?
  Will you listen in on them? Will you answer their questions? Will you take them out to lunch every now and then? Will you go to a soccer game if you’re in town? Will you watch their ballet16)moves for the 17)umpteenth time? When they get older, will you 18)indulge them in a new pair of shoes? Or buy them a new cell phone, or some other 19)gadget I can’t even imagine right now? Will you give them advice? Will you be tough as I would be? Will you help them out in a crisis? And as time passes, will you invite them to a family gathering on occasion? Will you introduce them to somebody who might help one of their dreams come true? Will you tell them what I would be thinking? Will you tell them how proud I would be?
  Will you be my voice?
  And as I lay on my bed that morning on Cape Cod, staring out at 20)Buzzards Bay, and hoping I didn’t wake Linda as I shook with tears, I said to myself that I would call this group of men, “The Council of Dads.”
  The Council of Dads. Six men. All very busy and burdened with their own challenges, but together, collectively, they might help 21)father my potentially fatherless daughters.
  Naturally I hope that I will fully recover from my illness and that we will all be able to enjoy many family occasions together in the future. But I would like my Council to continue no matter the outcome. I would like my daughters to know the world through all of you. I would like Tybee and Eden to know me through this group.
  I would like them to know themselves through their Council of Dads.
  I understand this request might come as something of a burden. It is not intended to be an overwhelming commitment of time, resources, or emotion. A few words, a few gestures, an open door, a welcome embrace every now and then will ensure that your presence will be a constant guide in the girls’ lives.
  Your voice will merge with mine.
  Even though it has been painful to write—and to 22)contemplate—this unexpected idea at this moment in our lives has brought great strength and comfort to Linda and me. We are pleased to know that our girls will learn from you some of the valuable lessons you have taught me over the years. We are 23)thrilled that we all have an excuse to keep more closely in touch in the seasons to come. And we are honored to add your fatherly counsel into the heart of our family.
  And above all, we know that this assembly of 24)surrogate dads can, if needed, be me.
  正在这时,艾登和泰碧进来了,一边跑,一边看着镜子咯咯地笑。她们准备开始跳她们几个月前刚满三岁时自己编排的舞蹈。里面混合了《玫瑰圈圈舞》、芭蕾舞和hokey-pokey摇摆舞,她们疯狂地转圈,越转越快,直到跌倒在地面上,大笑着,用尽了世上所有的欢乐。 看着她们,我难以自控,我崩溃了。我禁不住去想象着:以后不能再和她们一起去散步,不能看她们参加芭蕾舞表演,无法掺和跟她们一起做那些美术手工作业,无法怒视她们将来的男友们,还有,不能送她们走过婚礼的红地毯。
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