The pro-hydrophobic nature of peptides is a very important parameter in the rational design and discovery of bioactive peptides. Based on the HMLP parameters that characterize the nature of amino acids, the structure information of the peptides was characterized by direct substitution method and additive substitution method respectively. One-way crossover test and support vector regression (SVR) were used to construct 36 dipeptide octanol-water partition (Ε = 0.001, σ = 7.5, C = 200 and ε = 0.001, σ = 10, C = 200). The results show that the addition and substitution method is better than the direct substitution method, Cross-test of the complex correlation of 0.8768, the predicted results consistent with the experimental value. However, both of them indicate that logP is mainly related to the molecular surface area of the peptide and the hydrophilic index, and at the same time shows that the HMLP parameter can better characterize the structure information of amino acids or peptide chains.