CIO,也许再古怪,晦涩的技术词汇也难不到你,也许再难管理的员工在你的团队里也听从你的指挥,但也许一次在信息系统的验收会上,失败的演讲可能会断送你的职业生涯。 今天Sys方略宝典,就给你指点几个窍门。让你今后能够从容面对任何大众发言的挑战。而不是像以前一样,如同得了恐台综合症,只是听你黯然道:“我只能对着自己的脚讲,却无法面对观众。” 那么,从这一刻起专注起来,轻松地按照图中所示,逐一做下去,你会发现演讲变得容易多了。
CIO, maybe weird, obscure technical vocabulary is hard not to you, maybe hard to manage staff in your team also obey your command, but perhaps in the information system acceptance meeting, the failure of the speech may be ruined Your career. Sys today canonical collection, give you some tips. So you can calmly face the challenge of any public speaking. Rather than being as before, as if you got a fear of Taiwan syndrome, just listen to you sadly: “I can only speak to my own feet, but I can not face the audience.” Well, from this moment onwards, As you can see, one by one, you will find it easier to talk.