2017年6月2日,工业和信息化部在网站发布2017年第23号公告,发布了28 726项推荐性行业标准的复审工作结果。其中20 466项行业标准继续有效,5 511项行业标准予以修订,2 749项行业标准自公告之日起废止。其中,照明电器行业标准复审78项,《灯用玻壳的型号命名方法》等56项行业标准继续有效(见表1),《镝灯》等7项行业标准予以修订(见表2),《船用钨丝灯》等15项标准即日起废止(见表3)。
On June 2, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released Notice No. 23 of 2017 on the website and released the results of the review on 28 726 recommended industry standards. Among them 20 466 industry standards continue to be effective, 5 511 industry standards are revised, and 2 749 industry standards are abolished since the announcement. Among them, there are 78 industrial standards of lighting appliance industry review, 56 industry standards such as “Nomenclature of lamp bulbs” (see Table 1), “Dysprosium lamp” and other 7 industry standards (see Table 2) 15 standards such as “Marine Tungsten” have been abolished immediately (Table 3).