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2004年3月22日,《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》(以下称《纲要》)由国务院向社会公布。《纲要》勾画出了一个现代法治政府的基本轮廓,并为建设法治政府提供了具有可操作性的基本实现途径。一、推动政府依法行政的主要内容 (一) 着力依法行政的体制建设。《纲要》要求各级政府要进一步贯彻政企分开、政事分开的理念,理顺政府与市场、政府与社会的关系,使政府的经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务职能基本到位。中央政府和地方政府之间、政府各部门之间的职能和权限比较明确,行为规范、运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效的行政管理体制基本形成。权责明确、行为规范、监督有效、保障有力的行政执法体制基本建立。 On March 22, 2004, the “Outline for the Implementation of the Law Enforcement by Law” (hereinafter referred to as “the Outline”) was announced to the public by the State Council. The Outline outlines the basic outline of a modern government ruled by law and provides a feasible and basically implemented approach for building a government ruled by law. I. Main Contents of Promoting the Administration by Law According to Law (I) Focusing on the System Construction in Accordance with the Law. The “Outline” requires that governments at all levels should further implement the concept of separation of government from enterprises and separate government functions from business administration, rationalize the relationship between the government and the market, and between the government and society so that the government’s economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public service functions are basically in place. Between the central government and local governments, the functions and powers of various government departments are relatively clear, and the administrative system with normative and coordinated operation, fairness, transparency and honesty and efficiency has basically taken shape. The powers and responsibilities are clear, code of conduct, supervision are effective, and the effective administrative law enforcement system is basically established.
为了促进《中华人民共和国农 村土地承包法》(以下简称承包法) 在我省的全面贯彻实施,省人大常 委会于今年3月至6月,在全省范 围内对承包法实施情况进行检 查。检查的重点内
《北京市建设征地补偿安置办法》已经2004年4月29日市人民政府第24次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2004年7月1日起施行。二ΟΟ四年五月二十一日 The Measures for Compensation
据悉 ,2 0 0 0年 9月 1日成功发射的“长征四号乙”运载火箭及由其送入预定轨道的“资源二号”卫星的电源系统 ,都是由航天科技集团第八研究院第 81 1研究所研制的。其中 ,箭
[案例] 申诉人张某于2003年8月9日被被诉方某塑料制品公司雇佣为临时工,在车间内从事进料工作。上岗前,被诉方未对其进行必要的劳动安全知识教育,也未有针对性地对其进行岗位
温州市政府法制办选取2002年及2003年上半年温州市政府行政复议和行政 执法投诉处理个案监督恃况为样本,分析该市政府法制介案监督的基本特点及其原因,总结 了行政执法中存在